Industrial engineering training

Industrial Engineering Training is an on-site 20-hour program, normally presented in three consecutive days, which provides new engineers, supervisors, non-IEs, and other technical and non-technical personnel a grounding in classical Industrial Engineering methods and procedures.

The program relies heavily on interactive demonstrations, teamwork, and class exercises. The program uses numerous examples of real plant scenes in fabrication and assembly operations. The overall program consists of several "modules" that may added or deleted to produce a custom program of three- to five-day duration as desired by the client.

The training will cover the following subjects:

Time study

Relationship of operator method to output
Advantages and uses of work measurement
The work measurement model
Terms and Definitions
Normal and standard time
Avoidable and unavoidable delays
The Standard Hour Concept

Tools and Techniques

Stopwatches and boards

Time study procedure

Work description

Method description and breakpoints


Motion Economy and Workplace Design

The Work Area

The Normal Work Area

The Extended Work Area

Workplace Dimensions for Seated Tasks

Workplace Dimensions for Standing Tasks

Movement - Definition

Motion - Definition

Performance Rating

What is Performance Rating?
How Ratings are Applied to Labor Standards
What are "Normal" Operators?
What is a "Fair Day's Work?"
Factors that Affect Performance
Speed, Skill, Effort, and Consistency
Difficulties in Evaluating Jobs

Rating Benchmarks and Training

Training for Performance Rating

Performance Rating Analysis and Simple Statistics

Benchmarks for Normal Performance

Relevance of Rating Benchmarks

Assembly Line Balancing

Concepts and Definitions

Line Efficiency and Precedence Efficiency

Assembly Line Balancing Examples

Assigning Work on an Assembly Line