Este ciudat ca în ciuda faptului ca exista foarte multă documentatie referitoare la feedback, oamenii totuși nu conștientizează importanța și avantajele extraordinare […]
Este sistemul Lean aplicabil NUMAI pentru companiile care fac productie? Sau se poate aplica si la cele care ofera servicii?
Sistemul Lean este numai pentru companiile mari? Sau si pentru cele mici?
Coaching and management are synonymous. If you aren’t focused on regularly coaching your team, there’s a good chance you’re not leading them as effectively as possible and an even better chance your sales are suffering as a result. Coaching creates an environment that naturally increases productivity, enhances collaboration, boosts morale, and improves performance.
Do you believe that your activity can be improved? You do not find improvement ideas? Don’t worry! The opportunities are right in front of you; all you have to do is to keep your eyes wide open.
We make mistakes every day. But how we consider them? Do you treat the ‘mistakes’ as barriers to achieve your objectives or the ‘mistakes’ helps you find a better way to the objectives?
Would you like to enjoy the full benefits of Lean? Or it’s enough for you only a small piece from the entire puzzle? But what is the goal of the Lean management system?